Witchcraft · 27. March 2020
All of a sudden Meyns her legs give way and for a moment it seems as if she's going to stumble off the scaffold and into the crowd. But one of the soldiers leaps forward and catches her, puts his arm around her waist and keeps her upright. She's only half conscious now. Still, she's answering the priest's prayer, mumbling her responses while the man frantically waves his crucifix in front of her face. As if there's any evil left in this woman to drive out. Apparently the mayor feels the same...
Witchcraft · 04. February 2020
It is Sunday, the 27th of November in the year 1555. In spite of the cold many Amsterdammers have gone to the market place at Dam Square today to see the spectacle. It'll start soon, when the bells of the New Church will ring for the none, the fourth hour in the afternoon. In front of city hall the sheriff's men have raised a scaffold made up of wooden beams stacked in a square with the inner space filled with sand and rubble. On top of that they've laid a plank floor with a wooden stake in the...